Scores for the two completed Air Matches are now added to the results page.
The working bee was very successful with Ranges 2 and 3 mowed along with the two car parks and the verges of the entry road and areas around the Air Range through the efforts of eleven members. Some areas are still "Off Limits" as a Construction Zone with the Contractors still going on the new Range 1 and 2 building. We are told this will be completed this week ???? and the Electrician should be available the following week to restore power. Members are certainly looking forward to completion of this project which has dragged on for so long due to circumstances beyond our control.
Next weekend would have been our traditional February Open event with visitors from far and wide and a good income earner for the Club.
Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled due to the Construction of the new building suffering numerous delays.
Club members will contest a Centre Fire/Sports Pistol Match with timing by whistle on static targets as the replacement match of the day