The weather could not have been better as almost 60 competitors turned out to vie for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes in each match. This years prizes were low ball tumblers with 'Glen Innes Pistol Club ISSF Open Shoot 2011' engraved into them.
The club decided to revive the lost tradition of the Saturday Night Roast Dinner hosted at the Pistol Club which was an extraordinary success thanks in large part to Kerri Tom and the kitchen volunteers tireless efforts. The meal was delicious and a great time was had by all in attendance.
The business of the Pistol Matches was run flawlessly and efficiently thanks to our Range Officer volunteers Rick Bowen, Jan Bowen, Jason Tom and Wayne Unicomb (and anybody else who volunteered to run ranges over the course of the weekend) as well as the sterling effort put in by Mick and Ron Reed in the Score Shed.
All in all it was one of the best Opens the club has held in years and was an indication of the clubs bright future.
The Open Shoot results can be viewed on the weekly results page.
Photo's of the Open can be viewed on the shooting gallery page.