Outside of Easter, work continued towards completion of the new range building with the wiring for the timers refitted on 2nd April, removal of some debri on 9th April followed up by installing the new shelves for the timers, shortening the timer leads and testing of the wiring and frame machinery last Saturday.
Thanks to the efforts of Bob, the new wall between ranges 1 and 2 now has been painted with the two final coats of paint ready for installation of the pre-painted timber trim next weekend.
A New door will be constructed and fitted over coming weeks to complete the wall.
We still have a couple of BIG weekends to go to install the eyebrow baffles and bay dividers and complete the drainage to Council requirements.
Hopefully, this essential work can be completed over the next 3 or 4 weekends and we can once again return to shooting 25 metre matches on turning targets.