I have finally tracked down all the scores for matches contested so far this year at the Club and entered them on the Match Results page of this site. There are a few gaps but on those days, members either worked on various projects around the facility or undertook a practice session rather than contest a full match.
Scores from the February Open have not been entered on the Results page but a full list of all resulkts for the Open are published in a file attached to a Blog entry in February
We received advice early in the week from NSWAPA stating that we could recommence shooting on outdoor ranges under very strict conditions set down by the Health Department.
As we are situated on Crown Land and the Crown Lands Department had previously issued a directive that no sport activities were permitted on Crown Lands, I sort and gained approval from our Local Crown Lands Office to recommence shooting on our facility provided we followed the very strict conditions set out in the advice from NSW APA.
Unfortunately, at about 5.15pm yesterday (Friday), a further advice was sent out by NSWAPA advising that on receipt of further advices, we could not recommence shooting as the Health Department had deemed that a Range with a roof and either partial or full back and side walls was deemed to be an indoor range under the act and accordingly, this club cannot recommence shooting until this ruling is changed. As I understand the position, the ruling is in the process of being challenged and we should no more shortly.
I had been working on several of the matters requiring attention following our Range Inspection last October and forwarded the information to FAR last Tuesday.
As a result of discussions during the inspection, the Club Executive in attendance was aware that there were a number of issues on Ranges 1,2 & 3 (mostly the need to reshape the impact are in the rear stop butts on those ranges, reshape the side Bank on Range 1 and a little work on the Range 3 target Frames) needing rectification but understood that we should correct the more pressing issues with Range 5 and then attend to the matters on Ranges 1,2 & 3
We received an email late yesterday afternoon confirming that we had satisfactorily addressed the major issue on Range 5 but we should not recommence shooting on Ranges 1,2 & 3 until the matters raised had been corrected.
As a result, we have hired a small excavator to correct the impact areas on those 3 ranges to commence at 8am on Saturday 30/5/2020. Those members not immediately involved in the earthworks project may be able to help in other areas tidying up around our facility.
Any help from members, even if only for an hour or two, will be greatly appreciated. Many hands make light work.
Once the earthworks on Range 2 are completed we will be in a position to recommence shooting on that Range as the Health Department restrictions are relaxed
Hopefully, will also be able to use the Air Range in the near future as well.