Five Air Pistol Matches and four Standard Pistol Matches contested during the course of the day with Bob acting as Range Officer.
Michelle shot close to her best in both matches while Dick and Charles shot Personal Bests in Standard Pistol.
Scores are now on the results page of this site.
We also had two gentlemen (non pistol shooters) travel up from the Coffs Harbour region to undertake the Pistol Safe Handling Course as part of the Legislative requirements to obtain a Firearms Dealers Licence so that they can buy in to a Firearms dealership in Coffs Harbour. Both passed the course with ease and a donation of $200 was made for helping them out.
A working bee has been called for next Saturday to replace timber in the wall between the club house hall and the kitchen which has been destroyed by termites. The plaster has all been stripped off in readiness for the working bee.
A few able bodies are needed so that this vital work can be completed in one day and lunch will be provided for those attending and assisting with the work.