We are unable to comply with the supervision requirements of new shooters under the Firearms Regulations and still comply with the NSW Department of Health COVID 19 social distancing regulations.
Our decision is based on the need to preserve the health and wellbeing of all members and comply with NSW COVID 19 Guidelines as they presently exist. This decision will be reviewed when there has been a significant relaxation of the Health guidelines.
We will however continue to accept applications for membership where the applicant is transferring from another pistol club affiliated as a minimum to NSW Amateur Pistol Association or corresponding interstate body PROVIDED that those applicants can produce the appropriate transfer paperwork from their existing club.
All members and visitors must follow all COVID 19 NSW Health protocols with personal hygiene, hand sanitizing, social distancing, log in and out with the QR Code etc. as they exist on the day they attend the Glen Innes Pistol Club facility.
In terms of recent guidelines laid down by NSW Health for al Regional NSW areas, all persons attending the Range must wear a properly fitted mask covering both their mouth and their nose while on any range or in the Club house with the exception that the mask can be removed while eating lunch or while partaking morning/afternoon tea until further notice.
If you feel unwell or have been to a COVID designated hot spot within 14 days before attendance, please do not come to the Range.
Glen Innes Pistol Club Executive reserves the right to direct any person displaying COVID 19 like symptoms to leave the facility immediately.