One copy of this QR Code has been laminated and placed next to the sign in books in the Club House, however, several other copies have been printed and laminated and will be secured to the wall next to the front door and in each Range building in terms of the advice received.
In the past, we have relied on the "sign in" books to comply with COVID requirements to register attendances but I am now told that this is no longer acceptable or satisfactory as Contact Tracing using this method is far to slow and relies on the honesty of the infected person to advise authorities correctly of every place they have visited.
Members and visitors are now required to "log in" to the Club with their smart phone on arrival to comply with NSW Health directives in addition to signing the attendance book to comply with NSW Firearms Act requirements.
Whilst sum members may object to this new procedure, it is preferable to seeing the club being heavily fined or shut down (even temporarily) for non compliance with NSW Health directives.