Mary Funnell had her first crack at the full match and though nervous and heavy on the trigger to start with she really came into her own by the end and I really mean that. The last 10 shots she fired accounted for a third of her overall score.
Trevor Rees was hoping to cut another target in half (that being what he is famous for) but it didn't come off. Better luck next time I guess.
I had a crack with both my revolver and semi auto which was fun. My semi auto score was a little lacklustre but unless I am mistaken I shot a PB with the revolver. I am just waiting for confirmation from the score shed before I brag too much though there is nothing to brag about because if I'm right I'll probably never shoot that well again and my handicap will be shot, excuse the pun.
The results can be viewed on the weekly match results page.
Next week is Centre Fire