Unfortunately Jan had to withdraw due to knee pains but Rick and I continued. Can't say I shot real well but the plus side was I found out the average velocity of my loads so I have something to work with now that isn't just guess work. Watch out for me next service.
After Service we held the monthly meeting which went as per usual.
After the meeting Rick and I shot 25 yard service while Wayne took our newest member up to the air range for some practice.
We completed the 25 yard service match then the real fun began. A lesson in Black Powder.
Ron was considering the purchase of a Ruger Old Army 44 Black Powder Revolver.
Rick was instructing Ron in how it all works so naturally the rest of us gathered round.
After instruction on how to load a black powder pistol properly and safely and also how the rules work in the match environment it was time.
Ron carefully lined up his sights and gently squeezed the trigger.........BOOM. Smoke was everywhere and our chests were still vibrating. We all took a big whiff of the smell. Ahhh nothing like the smell of black powder.
Ron fired out his shots and turned around with a grin from ear to ear. It was clear, he was hooked.
Those of us who don't own black powder gear all started discussing where we can purchase them and why haven't we already. It was great.
Results are on the weekly results 2012 page.
Next week is Centre Fire.