Once again members turned up to the Club to find that we again have no power. Essential Energy were on the site very quickly and found that another high voltage fuse near our Transformer was not only blown but the fuse body was also badly burnt and needed replacement.
Power was quickly restored and a good turnout of members contested various matches with 5 contesting Air Pistol, 3 Contesting 25 Metre Black Powder and 6 contesting Standard Pistol.
Scores will be added to this site shortly.
With all the rain and storms over recent months, the facilities need a good tidy up and members present last Saturday decided to have a working bee next weekend commencing at 10 am to get on top of this work so it will not be such a massive job to prepare all the Ranges just before our Open Shoot next month.
There is also a number of jobs needed to be done to meet Firearms Registry requirements before our Operating Licence comes up for renewal in March and it is intended to get as much of this completed on Saturday as possible also.
Any assistance that can be provided by members (even if only for a couple of hours) will be greatly appreciated.
For those wishing to shoot the Rapid Fire Match of the day, we anticipate that work on Range 1 would be completed before 1 pm